Beyond the borders of love
Sometimes you are down, life seems to make fun of you, and destiny events seem to all turn against you despite all the efforts you do every day to make your dreams come true.
I wished to have many things in my life, career, success, fun, friends, and material things, but what I have always been longing for was love… Life gave me almost all of that, but what I call today real love was always missing…
I’m not the so-called Latin lover or playboy
I had girlfriends with who I fell deeply in love… each one of them. Even if I felt many times by their side the feelings were not so deep as mine were, while she keep telling me “I love you, i love you so much” in her way.
But I know that we are not all the same. I know that actions speak louder than words. But I also know that every person is unique and different. When it comes to love, I know that I have to accept a person for how she is. That you are a man or ladyboy, with his or her qualities and flaws. So, for the sake of love and the good of my relationship, I always tried my best to make it work, dealing with my capacity.
But yet love keep slipping away from me…
Why doesn’t Love last in my life? Why somehow do I feel like I’m not living true love?
Or maybe? What I thought was love, actually, wasn’t it? I’ve questioned myself many times, what’s wrong with me? Is it me or the people? I know that love is not easy, is not just cuddles, kisses, and intimacy. To make it last, you have to do everything it takes. I know that I’m not the perfect man, perfection itself doesn’t exist, despite the fact that most looking for it.
I also know that I never did anything bad intentionally to my partner, friends or co-work mates. I’ve always tried to live my life honestly and make it the best, with my only strength, and listening to the advice of people who love me and my best friends. Sometimes was not enough. So… once again, what is wrong? Mind-blowing…
One day I finally understood… Found the answer I have always been looking for. Deep inside I always knew it, but… to get it, you’ve got to go beyond the borders of love. The boundaries that society has set for you. If you get what I’m trying to say…
Don’t get sad or desperate, if you are really looking for love and a life partner, love itself will find you. Sooner or later your efforts will be awarded. Don’t give up and always stay strong, don’t lose hopes. I’ve experienced for a long time these negative emotions; it’s normal and human. Smile and show your best, somewhere in the world there is the right person for you, and could be somebody special for you, somebody you did not expect. These are the surprises sometimes of the journey called: LIFE
Without being completely aware, You were just excluding the possibility… You will recognize that you were simply negating yourself the possibility to be truly happy… How?
Falling in love is the most wonderful feeling I have experienced in my life. Feeling hot from a tight and sincere hug, a tender, passionate kiss, flaws of emotions that you experience only when you love and feel loved. It is a rare thing, I felt it sometimes from the other side, and sometimes not. Don’t mistake lust and attraction with Love. It is something that you build with time with another person.
But sometimes, we deny ourselves all of this without knowing it. We just consider the options used by binary society. Forcing oneself to be with the partner you know is not really what you would like.
Falling in love with an Angel of Ladyboy
I always knew deep inside myself that a T-girl was truly the right partner for me, somebody I’ve been always dreaming on. Though, for many years, I’ve rejected my attraction. Finally one day, something has changed, after a long time of internal conflicts, doubts, fears, and paranoia. I’ve accepted myself, and since then, I started to smile at life again.
How is happened? You will discover it just by following part of my stories and articles here in the coming weeks. But bear this in mind for now. If you feel attracted to a ladyboy, excited, aroused and you know it, you should consider that maybe is what really means to be in your life.
Learn to be In love and happy like never before
I’ve experienced the kindest and sweet loving emotion of my life with my special girlfriend, whose a ladyboy. I never felt so close and fine with a person before in my life. And if you’ll find the courage one day, to accept yourself, you will discover like me, that you were just a VICTIM. Conditioned by what the current society wants you to be. Probably also conditioned by negative things people say about ladyboys, prejudice and stereotype.
The other side of the medal
You will discover, that even a transgender woman has a heart that knows to love, her beautiful feelings If you will be able to go beyond the borders of love settled by cisgender society.
You can discover this, just by showing her genuine and sincere love. Sometimes finding love is so hard and rare thing, but you feel and know it when you are there, something you never felt before. That’s how I feel when I say: Falling in love with an Angel of Ladyboy. If you think, that I’m just cheesy, that I’m just trying to push on something….Look at this video, and you will understand what I mean to say. I like to call this song:
Heart of Ladyboy
It takes a strong, open-minded man, that doesn’t mind the stares of ignorant people and the dogmas of society to love an extraordinary woman. Most men just have fantasies and never take it to a serious stage. But I save the hope, that you, my dear ladyboy lover, will become one day that strong man that I’m now. Bringing your life without fear of others’ opinion and, maybe showing them one day that what most matters is LOVE and nothing else.
If you know that loving a special woman is what makes you truly happy, that she would be the best partner for you, your life and your future, then go for it.
Good luck with your research of happiness my friend, best wishes for you and your future ladyboy girlfriend.
I’m living to Belgium beufeul city I’m beautiful witte Hetro man Bleu ages bruin haars atletische body
I’m looking for befaeul white black transgender transsexueel ladyboy for befaeul relationship to getter you )
Geert ) no man’s )